Sunflower cupcakes

Sunflower cupcakes
Sunflower cupcakes

These sunflower cupcakes I made for a special occasion.

Het is zoals het is en dat is goed is as it is and that's oké


So pretty!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Hi Bianca

Lovely sunflower toppers! The whitelace cupcake cases make the design special! Almost looks like a picket fence. 😊Nice job!

What flavour are the cupcakes?


Thank you all for the nice comment.

@Tracy: a vanilla cake, filled with strawberry-jam. On top a vanilla-cream and underneath the cream some crumbs of a typical dutch cookie (we call it bokkenpootjes…translated it sounds very odd 😃)

Het is zoals het is en dat is goed is as it is and that's oké