"Between Minds Collaboration"

"Between Minds Collaboration"
"Between Minds Collaboration" "Between Minds Collaboration" "Between Minds Collaboration" "Between Minds Collaboration"

I’m proud to be part of this beautiful collaboration that helps raise awareness about mental health. Thank you Zawadi Parizek for all your hard work!!

For this collaboration I decided to make a piece focusing on bipolar disorder – mental illness that causes significant mood swings including periods of depression and periods of elevated mood. Bipolar disorder affects 1%-2% of the global population and compared to other health problems, treatment of bipolar is still badly affected by misunderstanding and stigma.

My piece represents two sides of that illness: mania – the bright side – happiness, energy… and depression – the dark side – sadness, worthlessness…

Please visit our page, where you can find all our pieces https://www.facebook.com/BetweenMindsUNSA/

Magda Pietkiewicz


Thank you Aurelia and Anka! :-*

Magda Pietkiewicz

Beautiful, I love it!!¡

Maira Liboa cakes

Woow , looks so amazing!!!! Great job, love it!!!

Anka - Tortolandia.sk

Oh Magda, your work always amazes me 💖💖💖


Great interpretation..

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎