Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake

Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake
Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake Sculpted Jurassic Park Raptor Cake

Sculpted Jurassic Park cake in London, Kentucky based on the velociraptor egg hatching scene. The egg/base are 100% sculpted white buttermilk cake. The raptor is a sugar figure. Lots of texturing and finishes are involved in this cake. From the hand-dusted textured egg and scaled dinosaur skin to the delicate sugar egg shells, tiny sugar teeth, metallic cake base, moss sugar cookie, sugar ferns and vegetation, and glistening edible “goo”, this cake hit all the notes for visual texture and finish.

Alex Narramore/The Mischief Maker