Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead Day of the Dead Day of the Dead Day of the Dead Day of the Dead

I’m so glad to be a Sugar Skull Baker for the first time, amongst more than 180 decorators all around the world! Whilst I may have celebrated something similar to Day of the Dead in my culture, I am always intrigued by Day of the Dead, or Die de Muertos. Sugar skulls decorated with flowers, and then decorated with such ornate designs has me intrigued. Most of all, the colours do not evoke sombre, or sadness; but rather a celebration to commemorate the lost of loved ones. Even death tastes sweet!

My inspiration came Pinterest, of a man in Day of the Dead ensemble at an event called Burning Man. Whilst I wanted to do a female version, adorned with flowers, it was this contemporary look of a male version that caught my eye. The flamboyance, the facial expression, the colours of the photo made me decide to recreate him in sugar. This is my second time making a human bust, with the first at a class with Liz Marek from Sugar Geek Show who toured Australia recently. I’ve used her tips and tricks to recreate this male model, and painted his face using Edible Art Paint by Miranda from Sweet Sticks. The yellow on this cake was to bring out a sun kissed gold, at sunset.

I wanted to add a different colour to give the colours a more balanced tone, so I went with wafer paper cutouts in a rich purple.

Thank you everyone, I hope you like it!

#evendeathtastessweet #sweettasteofdeath #thesweetestskulls #deathbysugar #SugarSkullBakers #SugarSkulls #DayOfTheDead #SkullBakers #SkullCake #CakeCollaboration #sugarskullies16 #sugarskullbakers #sugar #skulls #dayofthedeath #diadelosmuertos

Vincent Goh