Winnie the Pooh 90th birthday collab cake

Winnie the Pooh 90th birthday collab cake
Winnie the Pooh 90th birthday collab cake Winnie the Pooh 90th birthday collab cake Winnie the Pooh 90th birthday collab cake

October 14,2016 marked the 90th anniversary of Winnie-the-Pooh: the gentle children’s stories written by A.A Milne based upon his son and his cast of stuffed animals.To celebrate, 22 artists from around the world have come together to create Winnie the Pooh inspired edible art. The link to the collaboration:

I was delighted to be part of this lovely collaboration.
I love Pooh, ever since a little kid.
Here is the Pooh I did, made the surrouding first, and Pooh later.
my inspiration was Winnie the Pooh in the wind.
This is my second collaboration, ( a bit scary but such fun!)
still have a lot to learn but will get there!

have a great day xxx

JEtaarten-Puur genieten