Chocolate Flowers Demo Cake for Cake International

Chocolate Flowers Demo Cake for Cake International
Chocolate Flowers Demo Cake for Cake International Chocolate Flowers Demo Cake for Cake International Chocolate Flowers Demo Cake for Cake International

This tiered cake is decorated with dark chocolate ganache painted with cocoa butter and scratched. The last tier flowers are completely made in tempered chocolate, !00% edible decoration and delicious!
Do you want to learn how to do this quick and easy chocolate flowers? Don’t miss my demo at Cake International´s main theatre with the special appearance of my admired Rose Dummer from Rosie Cake Diva this november.

More information about the demonstrations at the international theatre at:

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist


That’s going to be a winner Daniel!!! Stunning!!
Can’t wait to see it, I’m demoing with Mish as well, looking forwards to seeing you there!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Thank you so much Calli! I’m sure what you demonstrates will be amazing!!

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist

Thanks Bezana!!

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist

Stunning 😍😍😍

Nermeen Sayed