Drip cake

Drip cake
Drip cake

This cake was for a family meal yesterday, a sort of belated birthday get together. My boyfriend, his brother, mother and step dad all have birthdays in June and this was the first weekend everyone was free at the same time.

I tried a new recipe called Slutty Brownie Triple Layer Cake (from What’s Gabby Cooking) but changed up how I decorated it from what she had in her photos. I keep seeing the drip cakes online either by Katherine Sabbath or inspired by her and have been wanting to do one so this occasion worked.

It was my first time making SMBC and I almost wimped out and didn’t do it. It is also my first semi naked cake. I’m usually not a fan of them but don’t mind them with the drip effect and overload of goodies on top. Not thrilled with my drips as my ganache should have been thinner but now I know better for next time.

The cake was a big hit, everyone really liked the SMBC as did I, so I’ll be using it more down the road.

Thanks for looking :-)

Kelly's Kitchen