Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands

Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands
Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands Acts of Green Collaboration - UNSA16 - She's got the whole world in her hands

This is my contribution for the Earth Day collaboration.
“She’s got the whole world in her hands”.
I wanted to convey the theme of our children being the custodians of the Earth’s future. The survival of our planet depends on what they decide to do with the planet. It is for us to set the right example for them and display responsible behaviour.
“We have not inherited this planet from our parents, we have merely borrowed it from our children.”

As we celebrate Earth Day, Fri April 22nd, the members of UNSA wanted to share with you their hopes and dreams, feelings, and concerns about the issues facing our planet, its people and animals. This international collaboration is also a fundraiser for National Geographic which is a non profit committed to conservation and education of our emerging leaders.

There are Billions of us and only ONE earth, please help us create change

#actsofgreen #Earthday #unsa #createchange