Grant Manier’s Peacock

Grant Manier’s Peacock

My cake inspiration is from Grant Manier’s Peacock. I love the peacock he made with spectrum colors which also expresses autism itself. I created the peacock using the same shape of his peacock as I didn’t want to change a lot of his art work, as I actually love what he did. I used the blossom flowers to give the peacock its colors and try to follow the same color as he did.

On my cake, I put Chrysanthemum because this flower blooms in November, it stands for the light of hope in dark times. So my cake also represents ‘hope’ to people in the world to understand more about autism. I was a playgroup teacher when I was in Indonesia for one year before I moved to Italy and one of my colleague handle one kid with autism. I just knew at that time that this kid is different but he is not sick, he just needs to be understanding and to give them more attention. But with this collaboration, I learned to understand more what is autism all about. I even have one of my best friends who has a son on the spectrum. So I hope my cake will give ‘hope’ to raise people’s awareness and not to treat autism as a disease or sickness or something that we couldn’t talk about. They are the same like everyone else, but they are just unique and need to be understood.

We hope we’ve motivated you to make a difference so we’ve partnered with 2 worthy Charities who provide much needed support to those with Autism and their families. Please take a moment to click the links, learn more about them and if you can spare a donation – all the better!

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Thank you so much to Dina, Suzy and Samantha for including me to this collaboration.