Indian Bride - Watercolours I

Indian Bride - Watercolours I
Indian Bride - Watercolours I

I’ve recently made a series of watercolour drawings, and I wanted to use some of the ideas on a dummy cake. This is one of the portraits depicting an Indian bride I found online. I used white fondant to cover the whole cake, and then I decorated it with wafer paper, which I coloured with edible watercolours, and leaves of gold. The flower on top is made with gumpaste.It was a bit hard to paint the wafer paper as it crumbled and cracked because of the water, but the overall result is not that bad. If anyone out there knows more about watercolouring wafer paper, please let me know! Next time I think I will draw directly on fondant…

And here’s my actual watercolours drawing


Stunning! I adore the painting x

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

wow ! !!! do so love your painting!!!!

Life is too sweet to be bitter

Wow!!! This is so beautiful

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Domnaki, you painting is beautiful…in both places. You should try painting directly on the fondant. In my opinion, it is a much more forgiving “canvas” than wafer paper and you can use your petal dusts wet or dry. To color the wafer paper, it would probably help if you used lemon extract or a high percentage of alcohol instead of water because it evaporates quickly and will not cause as much damage.

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley