Tinerbelle, Periwinkle and Pixie hollw tree cakes

Tinerbelle, Periwinkle  and Pixie hollw tree cakes
Tinerbelle, Periwinkle  and Pixie hollw tree cakes Tinerbelle, Periwinkle  and Pixie hollw tree cakes Tinerbelle, Periwinkle  and Pixie hollw tree cakes

This cake was a very special cake made for my grand princesses granddaughters who celebrate birthdays back to back one on the 19th and the other on the 20th of October. It was so much fun making the cake! The top tree cake was chocolate and vanilla cake with buttercream. The leaves I made from wafer paper thanks to Amelia Carbine’s tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCJWJp5xcY8. The fairy tree trunk house was made of cake dummies, fondant, gum paste and led lights. Periwinkle and Tinkerbelle’s dresses are banana cakes.