Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake

Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake
Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake Burnham Youth Club Fun Day Guess the Weight Cake

It took 1 × 7″ and 2 × 6″ vanilla sponges layered with white and milk chocolate ganache, stacked and carved to Turn the club house into a watering can which aptly then sits with the clubs mission statement to nurture and grow the kids. The final pic shows my gorgeous young assistant for the day, Emily, who happily helped by icing all of the vanilla cookies that I made with the kids. For sale on the day we had vanilla cookies, Rice Krispi Treats topped with Milk chocolate, Gluten free Ginger cookies, Gluten Free Rocky Roads, Dark chocolate and caramel slices, Fruity Lego and Dr Who Gummies, Fruity Marshmallows and vanilla cupcakes topped with lemon zest buttercream.