Happy 80th John

Happy 80th John
Happy 80th John Happy 80th John

Happy Monday sweeties
Monday Blues?? Here is a cake of mine that may cheer you up.
Created for a very special gentleman
His dear friend explained to me that he has always wished for a lady to jump out of a cake…especially for him of course!
Happy 80th John!!
One guess as to where he is from ;)
Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead
Yours in baking,
The Cake Duchess SA
P.S This cake was not created to purposely offend anyone. It was simply created to bring a smile to a special gentleman’s heart

The Cake Duchess


This has certainly brought a big smile to my face! Love your lady bursting out of the cake. Just brilliant Sumaiya x

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

Love it!! I bet John did too!! Great cake!

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Thank you June. I was promised some photos, so looking forward to seeing whether he liked it :) xx

The Cake Duchess

Thank you so much Anna. You always make me smile with your kind words xx

The Cake Duchess

Thank you so much! Kind of you creative people ♡

The Cake Duchess