Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This cake is for a special client, for whom we made already 5 years a birthday cake! Quite an honor! This time the theme was the Ninja Turtles, and since we had never made one before, we really enjoyed it :-) Of course the pizza is also present ;-)
Ninja Turtles are made of SweetArt sugar paste, for the bottom tier we used the airbrush, also for the name :-)
On the inside: Chocoloco; allll chocolate! Thanks everyone for looking!

Lara - www.tartacadabra.es - www.facebook.com/Tartacadabra


Very cool, wonderful and clean work!

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes

Thank you Carol, Little Apple Cakes and Znique Creations for your nice comments! <3

Lara - www.tartacadabra.es - www.facebook.com/Tartacadabra

Thanks Helen for your kind words :-)))) It was a great cake to make, lots of fun!

Lara - www.tartacadabra.es - www.facebook.com/Tartacadabra