

My mother is coming to visit me this week and I wanted to make a cake to welcome her and enjoy together!!! I chose daffodils for the decoration as when my sister and I were little, she used to take us to the fields near our house, which were full of daffodils and we spent time outside, picking up flowers. I remember that I loved them so much, and as they remind me of beautiful family times I incorporated them in my design. The purple and gold tones of the main cake are chosen because they are two of my mother’s favourite colours :)

However…it’s the first time I am experimenting with wafer paper to cover my cake. I had to redo the bottom layer a couple of times as the paper kept cracking after painting it, and yet it didn’t come out perfect. Hopefully next time I’ll do it better. If anyone has any tips regarding painting wafer please share them with me, it will be very helpful! I tried both paitning it and then covering and cake, and cover it first and paint if afterwards. Perhaps it was the fact that my colours were too watery and next time I should go with air brushing instead?



Wow that is so effective. Had no idea you used wafer paper, such a great job. And the daffodils are beautiful x

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

Thanks Sassy, next time I hope I use the wafer properly, and it won’t come out cracked and bubbly :D


Sorry I can’t help you about the water paper- don’t know anything about it, but the cake looks great:)

Karen, https://www.facebook.com/TheLittleCakeCompanyCA

Beautiful colours and textures. Maybe it was a happy accident? x

very nice

*** Baked with Love ***