Baby Grand Piano cake

Baby Grand Piano cake
Baby Grand Piano cake Baby Grand Piano cake Baby Grand Piano cake Baby Grand Piano cake

18th birthday request for a piano cake which I happily obliged, particularly as it was all new territory for me. I was quite nervous about how it would last as the cake was constructed, covered and detailed given it was resting on only 3 skinny little dowels, but it survived and I couldn’t be prouder! The recipient of the cake was so cute when I arrived at the house and his mum called him down to see it. All he could say was ’It’s Amazing’. Love it! Used the good old airbrush for the piano, strings and floor boards.

A big thank you must go to Paul Bradford and his helpful advice on structure and construction. The man is a genius!

Hope you like it :)

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes


This is fantastic Anna!!

S. Faisal --

Thank you so much for your cake love Simmz x

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

Cheers Naomi you’re awesome!

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

Wow amazing, so perfect, I love it. ….I love Paul Bradford too ;) xx

ellie's elegant cakery

This is fabulous!!!!!!! wow !!!! all those details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333333333333

Dubey Cakes

Fabulous start to 2015 Anna.xx