My Sisters wedding cake

My Sisters wedding cake
My Sisters wedding cake My Sisters wedding cake

My Sister got married in Jamaica recently but we were unable to attend because of work commitments but I was over the moon when she asked if I could make her wedding cake for the party back home. They chose the style, colours and asked for the bits and bobs but what they didn’t know was that I going to make the flip flops the same as theirs.
I have never made frangipani flowers before and boy are they hard to do (this is coming from somebody who’s not good with flowers!)
My sister doesn’t live near me so we had to endure over 5 hours drive with it (the longest I have ever gone with a cake never mind a wedding one!)
The mixed pictures show you the real flip flops next to the sugar ones
Luckily it survived the journey and my sister and her hubby loved it.



Really great cake. Love the pebbles, are they sugarpaste?

gateaux de mandy

It’s a masterpiece… Your sister must have cried with joy … How very special xx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Aww thank you Calli, Luna, Mayer and Galyna such lovely comments xxxx


The details on this are amazing, what a fabulous cake.

Roo's Little Cake Parlour