First gumpaste carnations

First gumpaste carnations
First gumpaste carnations

Hi everyone,

These are the first gumpaste flowers I’ve ever made, for a wedding cake I have coming up. Can you believe the last time I tried using these cutters I was so clueless about it all I used fondant with a lil tylose which just cracked and broke when I tried to frill it, and I was all like “these cutters are rubbish!” haha xD

I used the brief instructions on the back of the cutter packaging to make these and just made the calyx part up – they won’t be showing much in the final arrangement so I didn’t put all the features on them. First time dusting too – I used a Google image search result to choose the colours based on a real carnation. As these are going into a large arrangement I left the wires as they were, but I might end up florist taping over them if I decide to add carnation leaves.

So, what do u think? Did I do it right or dyu guys have some tips for me?

Thanks for looking :)
Sawsen xx


Yay, thank you Lin & April <3

Thanks Mariagrazia <3 I was a little nervous about posting them in case they weren’t good, but you’ve all been so nice :)

there really pretty….

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Brilliant job and I totally get where you’re coming from on the fondant and tylose.
I spend over half an hour on my first one……and the instructions on the back of the cutter pack are rubbish…….well done, looking forward to seeing the finished cake xxx


Thank you Karen… It takes such a long time to make them though I think that’s the part I didn’t appreciate until now… These 15 carnations took me several hours to make then dust. Glad it seems to have worked though… Roses next :s