Rice Paper Roses

Rice Paper Roses

My first go with rice paper flowere. Lot to improve but not too bad for the first attempt I thought.

Just Because CaKes, https://www.facebook.com/JustBecauseCaKes, www.justbecausecakes.co.uk


Brilliant for a first attempt, they look perfect to me, not at all like a first try! xx

Pamela - http://madewithlovebyme.wordpress.com/ www.facebook.com/PamelaMcCaffreyCakes

Thank you Pamela.nNow that is a compliment coming from you! I have admired your cakes for a while now but never know they were all from you. Fabulous talent!

Just Because CaKes, https://www.facebook.com/JustBecauseCaKes, www.justbecausecakes.co.uk

Beautiful! I still have to try my hand at those!

K@rEn -- www.facebook.com/dutchcakes