30years of fashion

30years of fashion
30years of fashion 30years of fashion 30years of fashion 30years of fashion

This was my fashion inspired competition entry for Manchester cake and bake show 2013.

As I was 30 last year I was inspired by the three decades- 80’s’ 90’s and 00’s and some of the iconic outfits from those years.
The bottom tier was black leather effect, second tier denim and top tier vintage.
It was a lot of fun to do and my very first tiered cake as a beginner so a big challenge too! I had to work it out by myself. The finished cake had to travel 180 miles in the car and then be carried around Manchester! Was very proud of the end result, and learnt a lot doing it!




Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Wow, it’s fab! So brave entering a show, I’d be terrified! Have you entered any since?

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

Thank you Mel, no I haven’t- it was very helpful as I had constructive feedback in my entry and the bits I need to improve. I found it hard as my execution is not as perfect as my brain/heart wants it to be and I find it hard not to compare to others in those situations. I’m trying to be happy with my own work and keep trying to improve. :-)
