Floral Fantasy

Floral Fantasy

5 Tier cake covered in cream pettinice, decorated with loads of handmade sugar flowers including roses, arum lilies, anthiriums, sweet peas and more!! Also loved the applique detail.

I am a self-taught sugar artist and LOVE what I do! Cake is always a happy occasion. It's a privilege to be part of a happy occasion and see someone's face light up.


Amazing cake!!! Love your flowers!!! Faved!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Thank you! ♥

I am a self-taught sugar artist and LOVE what I do! Cake is always a happy occasion. It's a privilege to be part of a happy occasion and see someone's face light up.

Thank you! Loved making all the flowers ♥

I am a self-taught sugar artist and LOVE what I do! Cake is always a happy occasion. It's a privilege to be part of a happy occasion and see someone's face light up.