Marina Sousa Inspired Cake

Marina Sousa Inspired Cake

This is by far the tallest cake, I’ve done. Almost 30" tall! The birthday girl, Minnie, sure loved it! Been lucky to belong to a cake group and with Marina’s blessing, I was able to recreate with a few twist on her original design. Those Craftsy classes sure helped! :)


What an amazing cake. Well done.

Just a hobby baker but love seeing other people's work & aspire to creating something as beautiful one day.

Wow, that’s a tall order! haha!;) Pretty amazing!;)

Jackie, Singapore

fantastic, really want to do something like this – if only someone would order it!!!


Great cake! Love the colours and you executed it perfectly =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -

Oh, thank you all. You ladies are all sooo sweet to me. Bobbi, Dina, Jackie, Suzanne, Guinaz, Jo, and Violet. xoxoxo Thanks again! <3