A Bite of Buttercream


A Bite of Buttercream #1: Colour Me Bad

Colouring Buttercream can be a real challenge, let alone getting it white! Please join me in my weekly blog posts about all things Buttercream, and some general whimsy along the way! – Kerrie...

A Bite of Buttercream #2: Piping Tips 101 (and 102, 103..)

Want to learn how to pipe Buttercream flowers, but just not sure what you need? Join me for Piping Tips 101, and learn how pipe a Buttercream Rose with my free Youtube Tutorial!...

A Bite of Buttercream #3: Making Basic Buttercream

Making great Buttercream is a lot easier than you may think, and it doesn’t have to cost the earth or take ages to make. EVERY Buttercream cake I have made, has been made with this Basic...

A Bite of Buttercream #4: Star Tips and Rosettes

Stars… in your multitude.. Sorry, I couldn’t resist, I’m a theatre buff! So you’ve probably heard the terms “open star” and “drop flower” tips, but what do they do, and when do I use them? ...

A Bite of Buttercream #5: A Leaf on the Wind

Leaves and foliage can make or break your Floral Cake. There has been many a time where I have chosen my flowers, placed them on a cake and thought “this isn’t going to work..”, then Boom! Leaves...

A Bite of Buttercream #6: Flower Arranging - Buttercream Style!

So you’ve piped some really awesome Buttercream flowers. They’re beautiful. The colours are perfect. Now what? Flower arranging in Buttercream is pretty much the same as arranging regular...

A Bite of Buttercream #7: When is Icing, Art?

When does Cake become Edible Art? Is there a point when Buttercream becomes an artistic medium? YES. Creation is intent. Simple as that. If you have taken something, anything, and used it to...

A Bite of Buttercream #8: Creating a Fairytale

There’s more to Buttercream than meets the eye. Did you know you can texture buttercream with an impression mat, just like fondant? Well you can! You can also mix your media, and add...

A Bite of Buttercream #9: Why I love Buttercream

Spend 5 minutes on any cake page, and you’ll see pages and pages of sharp edged fondant and ganache. So why then, if they are so popular, would I not only choose to work with Buttercream, but...

A Bite of Buttercream #10: Using a Silicone Mold with Buttercream

Using Buttercream in a mold?? Sorcery!! Well no actually, it’s easier than you might think, and opens up a whole world of design and decoration opportunities. As well as...

A Bite of Buttercream #11: Perfect Layers

Perfect, even layers. They look good huh? But just how do you get them? Sorcery? Well possibly, but let’s stick to the easy way! There are numerous ways you can layer (Torte) your cake, but...

A Bite of Buttercream #12: Hey Sugar!

There’s a whole lot of sugar out there, and I’m not just talking about Chris pratt! There are so many different types of sugar, and sugar products, involved in baking and decorating cakes and...