Simo Bakery is following 22 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,838 followers


9 posts and 70,062 followers


21 posts and 9 followers

Hala Heikal

44 posts and 12 followers


30 posts and 7 followers

Patricia El Murr

377 posts and 51 followers


49 posts and 31 followers

The Bistro Cake Designer

61 posts and 30 followers

Tasnuta Cake Artistry ( TASNUTA ALAM)

1,721 posts and 148 followers

Gabriela Doroghy

11,804 posts and 274 followers

Mero Wageeh

2,426 posts and 117 followers


32 posts and 9 followers

CreativeExplo ( Sharon Siriwardena)

1,270 posts and 136 followers

Melting Secrets by Kirti

268 posts and 55 followers

Super Fun Cakes & More (Katherina Perez)

5,948 posts and 375 followers

Nana Rose Cake

915 posts and 225 followers

Ghada elsehemy

281 posts and 52 followers

mona ghobara/Bonboni Cake

1,931 posts and 191 followers

Bella Cakes

152 posts and 68 followers

Marielly Parra

893 posts and 316 followers


44 posts and 25 followers


471 posts and 69 followers