Cake Decorating

Putting fondant cake in the fridge

Hi everyone! 
I’ve got a question to ask regarding putting fondant cake in the fridge. 
I’ve got a three tier cake that needs to be collected at 10am so I’m thinking of assembling the cake the day before and putting it in the fridge overnight. But I’m concerned about my fondant sweating and going all sticky. I’m going to be using renshaw fondant. Also what fondant would you guys recommend for taller cakes? I’ve been struggling with my fondant cracking on the sides and I don’t know what to do about it. 

Thank you 

1 Reply

Bonjour  le FONDANT va au réfrigérateur je vous conseil d'utiliser une pâte à sucre dites tropicale qui transpire moins voir pas du tout au réfrigérateur  et surtout réfrigérateur ventilée 😊