15 Minutes of Fame

Saracino Give-Away

Thank you, thank you Saracino, Sylwia Anna Price, CakesDecor, Michal, and Elli! I am beyond thrill to be the winner of the Saracino give-away and cannot wait to get my hands on those amazing products! Love, love Saracino1 What a sweet surprise first thing in the morning! Thanks again to all! Sweet hugs!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

9 Replies

Congratulations Sandra!! Can’t wait to see your creations!!


Thanks so much, sweet Konstantina!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

You are very very welcome! Looking forward to see what you will create! <3

Saracino Team

Congrats Sandra,can’t wait to see your creation

Petra Florean

Thanks so much, Petra! The first project is coming shortly.

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

congratulations! :-)


Thanks, Lenkydorty!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Congratulations ! Look forward to seeing what you make with all your goodies.

Thank you, MBalaska! I’ve already posted a couple of pieces made with the Saracino supplies. The little hippy girl, Flower Power and the Mistletoe Toe and Holly antique postcard girl.

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley