Cake Decorating Tools & Supplies

Sugar sheet movie strips with images?

Hello everyone. I am getting ready to try my hands at a movie reel cake with images. Can someone tell me please how to get the images from the computer into the blank movie strips. I would like to scan them in and adjust size if possible. Only other way I can think of is to use an exacto knife and cut the individual pictures and movie strips one at a time. I worry this would not look even around the edges? Please HELP!!! All advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Party Cakes

3 Replies

I am going to leave an answer to my own question :) lol Maybe it can help someone else out? I was able to go into Windows Accessories on my computer and produce filmstrips with images. I used the paint app. I was able to enlarge them up to two inches for printing. Larger images work best since the pixels did not get overly distorted when sizing the images. One last challenge is to see how they look on sugar sheets. Off I go to the bakery at my local grocer tomorrow. Feeling hopeful smile emoticon

Party Cakes

Laura, I know little about my computer programs but I tried this to see what it would come up with. I found accessories but where do you go from there to produce fimstrips?


I googled the web and found blank movie strips. I downloaded the image into my downloads. Than I uploaded it into the paint application and saved it. After that I repeated with photo images. The photo images I adjusted the size to fit into the blank movie film strips
I than took my printed images to Price Chopper to have them printed onto sugar sheets.

Party Cakes