Quick Tip

This is how I store and transport my wedding cakes until they are put on display. I can’t take credit for this, I saw it on the Ace of Cakes years ago. This plastic container of holding a 4...

Cake Decorating Business #2: What Kind of Business Do You Want?

Part #2: What Kind of Business Do You Want? Once you’ve established that you’d like to be in business, you need to start thinking about the kind of business you would like to be in. Although...

Cakes by Raewyn Video Tutorials #2: An Easy Way to Use Detailed and Difficult Molds

Do you have some fabulous, highly detailed molds sitting in your cupboard not getting used because they’re fiddly and hard to get the fondant or gumpaste out of? Here are some tricks to...

Tutorial : Princess Cake with Moving Swing and Flying carpet.

As a BIG Thank you for all your warm and lovely support, here is a picture tutorial on how I did my Princess cake with the moving swing and the flying carpet. Hope it will be of help to some of...