Preparation for my first cake competition

I’ve been sooooooo busy in the last few weeks. Cake pops for a wedding, and I’m starting to work on the characters for the cake I’m planning to enter into my first cake competition. My fingers are starting to dry out already from the delicate shaping of the tiny fondant bits and pieces (must buy some really good hand cream this weekend). I’ve planned out the shape and size of the cake, the catagory section is "A wedding cake of two or more tiers. So I’m going for about four dummy tiers so that I can concentrate on the decoration withoug worrying about the stability of the cake, as long as the fondant isn’t too heavy. I’d really appreciate any ideas or feedback from anyone who has entered a competition. I’m worried about transportation more than anything. The theme I’ve gone for is an Autumnal wedding cake, so that I can use it for my wedding fair early next year as part of an all seasons range of cakes. I’ll be sure to add photos along the way to show you my progress as soon as I’ve got the layers assembled ready to add the decorations. My brother is due to come over from New Zealand in the next few weeks, and I’m sure he’ll think I’m starting a still in the spare bedroom! I’ve got 4kilos of fruit steeping away in tubs of brandy on top of the wardrobe ready for when I make Christmas cakes for the fayre I’m doing in Baslow and Bakewell in December. Just breathing in the air in there could cause you to fail a breath test! I’m glad no one smokes in this house. Have a good weekend everyone, and I’ll update you next week on the further adventures of my cake making antics.



I’m looking forward to see the photos ;)

-- Michal, | My Facebook:

Never competed, others who have had said it’s a great learning experience. Wish you well with it.

Thank you, its something I never dreampt I’d ever do. But I’m really looking forward to it, and even if I don’t get anywhere I’m having a great time putting the cake together. I’m never happier than when I’m working on a cake. It’s a sure way to find a place where you can focus on what your doing and not worry about anything else for a while.
