quanta meraviglia e innovazione. MITICI

Barbie lo schiaccianoci

Barbieeee amichetta nostra, grazie!!!! Monica grazie. Thanks!

La Belle Aurore https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Belle-Aurore/291379387624300?ref=hl

Sempre bravi, la torta e’ meravigliosa :) <3


Stupenda, complimenti. I really love it!!!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Beautiful cake, amazing job!!!


sensational!!!! wow, blown clean away!!! you are artists!!!! LOVE YOU!!!! cant wait to see you at NEC :) CONGRATULATIONS on your trophy!!! well deserved :) xx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Thanks Calli, We love you!!

La Belle Aurore https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Belle-Aurore/291379387624300?ref=hl

quando l’ho vista ho pensato a quanto fosse originale, poi la perfezione…..un mix esplosivo


Amazing cake! Congratulations!!

HE is my rock and my strong tower

Beautiful well deserving of first place. It’s perfecly awesome! :-)

Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786

Complimentissimi per la vittoria, MERITATISSIMA, peccato non poter vedere la torta dal vivo, sicuramente in foto se ne perde tutta la bellezza!!!! Grandiii _

I Make Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/Sosi.PArts

Thank you so much to all! Grazie SosiP

La Belle Aurore https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Belle-Aurore/291379387624300?ref=hl

E’ un’opera d’arte meravigliosa!

Barbara @Sweet Janis, http:/www.sweetjanis.com

un lavoro meravigioso, come sempre!

L'Arte della Torta, Terni, http://www.facebook.com/ArteDellaTorta

Stunning as always a definate favourite

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes

This is amazing!

Simply amazing work!

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

WOW! I can see why it won 1st place! Great job y’all!


Woooooowwwww! Fine art on a cake!

Tonya Alvey, www.facebook.com/madhousebakes


Diana - Oregon, http://www.facebook.com/thehobbycaker

Amazingly BEAUTIFUL!!!! Love your technic, it’s really beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Meravigliosa!! Un’opera d’arte!!! Congratulations!! <3

Il Giardino delle Torte (di Silvia Costanzo), Palermo, Italy, http://www.facebook.com/ilgiardinodelletortedisilvia

meravigliosa :O

Maria Grazia, Catania, Italy, http://www.flickr.com/photos/caramelscake

Stunning xx

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com

Veramente originale! Complimenti!!!

Cakesmart by Marius & Anna, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cakesmart-by-Marius-Anna/679732448708399?ref=hl



Very beautiful.

Sarah, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheCakeTin

Amazing!!!!! Well done!!!!!

Verusca Walker https://www.facebook.com/verusca.walker

That is awesome!


We love to read your comment, thank you so much :))

La Belle Aurore https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Belle-Aurore/291379387624300?ref=hl
