awesome thanks for sharing these are so cute

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes

Thanks Ciccio :)

Karla, Italy, https://www.facebook.com/sweetk.cakedesign

awwww thanks so much!!!! they are adorable and would love to give this a try…. your so talented dear Karla!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

They are cuties, thanks for sharing!


Perfect, thanks for sharing Karla ;)

-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla

Absolutly GORGEOUS!!! Thank you for sharing Karla!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Tranks, Great job!!

Lilia, Greece, Thessaloniki, e mail: lilialopezm@gmail.com

Thanks for sharing Karla :)


OMGosh that is so cute. I love it.

Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca

This is why I love the cake community so much, because of people like you that are so willing to help others learn new things. Karla you are a true inspriration to us all. Thank you

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

So cute!!! X

Lucy at Bedlington Bakery, Bedlington, Northumberland, www.facebook.com/BedlingtonBakery

Soo cute, love them and thank you for the tutorial

Sasi, Sydney Australia, http://cakesbyssn.blogspot.com.au/, https://www.facebook.com/CakesbySasi

How gorgeous – I adore this! xoxo

Nina, Make Pretty Cakes, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/makeprettycakes

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and welcome,I love doing tutorials :)

Karla, Italy, https://www.facebook.com/sweetk.cakedesign

just lovely x

These bunnies are so cute! I want them both. Thank you for sharing the tutorial.

Roselyn, California, http://grabyourfreegift.com/roselynd

So lovely, Thank you for sharing

Viva la Tarta , https://www.facebook.com/VivaLaTarta