How To Get Smooth Butter Cream that Stands up to Heat and Humidity

I have be decorating cakes for 3 months shy of two years now and have had many challenges decorating cakes in a climate that is always hot and humid. My little cake studio is just off of my office...

Quick Ref Guide - Wire Gauges for Sugar (Gumpaste) Flowers

Reference chart… very useful for beginners and intermittent flower makers

Rose thorn

Hope you can understand from images what I wanted to show you, it’s easy, just look carefully and enjoy.Rose with thorns are much more realistic, after you made the thorns, dust them with a...

Cake Boards #1: York Stone Effect

I received a lot of interest in this cake board for my latest cake which had a boot on it and so have put together a few pictures I took during the process. 1. Roll out fondant onto board. Mix...

Tutorial : Princess Cake with Moving Swing and Flying carpet.

As a BIG Thank you for all your warm and lovely support, here is a picture tutorial on how I did my Princess cake with the moving swing and the flying carpet. Hope it will be of help to some of...

Royal Icing collars and flooding work

This tutorial will show you how to make delicate royal icing collars to decorate the edges of your cakes, and also, using the same basic method, will show how it can be applied to all...

How to make a Dahlia Without Cutters

To Make this you will need Sugar Glue Tylose Bakels RTR Pettinice (Or something like Satin ice but if you can Bakels is what I use) Food Colouring (I use rainbow Dust Progel colours...

How to make elegant pattern for cupcake toppers

1-first of all you need to use those stencil or any stencil you have / would like , all craft stores carry those stencils ( I got mine from Michaels store for just 3.99 + 25 % off = 2.99 each )...