7 Replies

When I made my snow globe cake in a class with Mayen we used a glass bowl bought from michaels.

Is there a reason you are looking for a “non” glass dome? I think using glass will be so much easier.

Jennifer, https://www.facebook.com/PrimaCakesandCookies

Thank you for responding ..I did email mayen to ask as I saw her online tutorial … But haven’t heard back.

I was hoping for plastic as it has to travel a long distance and I thought my two year old niece could play or keep. Was a bit worried about glass in case of a breakage in travel and then the cake becomes inedible.

If it was for someone older or less distance .. I agree a glass one would be perfect.

Shell xxxx

Shell, Norfolk, UK

There are places on line that sell clear acrylic globes.. they are more expensive then glass.. but they will not break.. and you might be able to get one at a hardware store.. they would be a light cover ..

Dubey Cakes

Shell have you ever tried making a snow globe with gelatin? Yen on Flickr has a tutorial on how they are done, scroll down to see her instructions. https://www.flickr.com/photos/yen4cakes/3839642450/in/faves-cakeicer/

And here is one I made using Yen’s directions. A learning experience but fun too.


Thank you everyone such different ideas … I’m definitely gonna have a go at the gelatin one though … Just to see what happens … Was also looking for a mould to have a go with isomalt

Shell, Norfolk, UK

There are tutorials on line that show you how to do a globe cake – I purchased Mayen’s tutorial and it’s very helpful! Using a glass bowl would be your best bet – you can decorate the inside and make it look very professional.

DJ - Fun Fiesta Cakes

One word of caution on the gelatin snow globes. Allow the gelatin to cool a bit before applying to the balloons. First time I tried this the gel was too hot, the balloon burst sending bits of gelatin and latex everywhere, including my hair!
