re: A new look to the cake page?

Thank you, Michal, for keeping on top of things and for taking our comments into consideration.
Another thing that I would like to mention and would appreciate it if others would respond cause maybe it’s just me … but maybe it isn’t:
Prior to the change I found myself clicking and going in to see many more cakes than I do now. Maybe it’s because the cake icons were smaller so that I had to click to see anything that interested me a little bit better. Then once I had clicked, I usually commented … cause I was already there. Now after the change, and possibly because the size of the cake pics on the general page is larger (and clearer?) I find that I click less and therefore comment less. Maybe this is just me???? Also, I think that now not seeing the number of comments and faves on the general cake page may have something to do with this. Somehow seeing that others have commented and faved also encouraged me to do so. I wonder if the computer experts out there can tell us if there has been more (or less) activity in commenting and faving since the change.

The Garden Baker