As well as being a member of Cakes Decor, I belong to a few Facebook groups for cake artists, and something that keeps popping up is the battle that Facebook orders can turn into. :(
It seems fairly common that people make an order enquiry via private Facebook page message, and when the times comes for payment details or getting further information for collection – the person either doesn’t respond, or has blocked the cake artist completely! :/
I have had a Facebook page for my baking business for a number of years, as well as a website, and Twitter and Instagram accounts, but the only way I take/ confirm/ quote/ discuss any order enquiry is via email – and then I only actually make the order if I have received a payment.
I have even disabled the direct message button on my Facebook page!
There is a “contact us” button on my Facebook page, and my phone number is listed there too. And in order to place and pay for an order I have to have the person’s contact details – including a phone number.
I have an “info” email address that is linked to my website, but its easy enough to set up a Gmail account with your business name – then you won’t come short again or have to worry about someone turning up for an order you weren’t able to properly confirm!

Heaven in paper cups!