re: Help please. I'd really like to try cake painting.

Hi Karen…. Please please do not be intimidated….. For more years than I care to remember I’ve been telling and encouraging people to paint if they feel so inclined to… I’ve proved it over again and have seen people paint, when they were convinced they weren’t artists… I did an online class for Pretty Witty Cakes, which is all on hand painting and all the tips and things need to know.. It’s been a great success and get loads of feedback on it… It was these I did the online class…step by step… I used cocoa butter for these. And I also show how I use it too.
Herecis the link:
I’m a firm believer and say it (as nauseum) that we are all artists, it’s just a matter of tapping into the right side of the brain… There is a book I have to someone, which I read as well as it brilliant for people such as yourself, wanting to bring out your creative side.. It’s called “The Artists Way” it’s a deep and meaningful book on so many levels, but it’s a big eye opener.. A good read on developing your inner artist. Here is just one link to source it… It is this book. … I gave my book to someone who said she wanted to be an artist and is now painting away happily I see and gone on to do workshops… And yes, workshops are Another source of learning.
If you have the desire, and if there is something that inspires you, then you are already halfway there… The rest is just practise and study deeply what y are painting. Look close at the colours and don’t be afraid to play around mixing them as you’ll. e surprised what fabulous colours you can create.ckeep a log of these colours so y don’t forget. Make a colour chart as well. Take your time… And enjoy it. I was not trained as a painter, but as a graphics designer so only did Commerial stuff like textiles, posters, flat 2D stuff, stylised stuff…it was only in 2008 I picked up oils and a canvas and did two paintings… I have had no training in oils (only graphics and advertising and design) , but used to watch an artist friend of mine paint, and so started to practise.
I also use colour dusts with vodka to paint with too… .
Yes, follow Goreti’s advise and look at all the online videos available… There are many really good ones.. And Craftsy as well… It’s good to look at them all as each shares their own technique.. And from there you can develop your own style and understanding of colour.. Get a few boards, cover them with fondant and practise… You soon will be one familiar with the painting and using brushes…
Please feel free to contact me any time… More than happy to help… I get messaged all the time and love sharing what I know..
Here is a pic of cupcake toppers I did for an online class…

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits