re: It could happen to you

They are doing that with many of my friends. They seem to want your given name to identify you. Now if someone else has your same name I have no idea how they handle that. I lost my page too and luckily had saved all of my photos to Pinterest so still had them. A pain to have to re-post and a bit uncomfortable when people post likes on old photo they have probably seen in the past. I get annoyed with Facebook from time to time over their policies but then something happens like finding a long lost nephew that I haven’t seen in 31 years. Tomorrow thanks to Facebook we are meeting for breakfast! So is Facebook worth it? I think it depends on how you want to use it. Here is the contact information I have for Facebook, hope it helps.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303
