re: The cake that never was !

Oohhhmmmyyyygawwwddd…it’s painful STILL to talk about. One of my BEST clients and I designed and promised a huge, detailed cake that really needed a team (as do all my designs it seems). I was out of town the week before it was due, got back and had four days to put it all together. Literally working down to the wire my work got sloppy and the tanker truck (of which I had made them two flawless ones before) ended up looking like my six year old son made it. I literally threw it together in under and hour. It was painful!! I was all prepared to tell them not to pay me but they already had the check AND had a $100 tip on there. UGHHHH!! I apologized profusely and FORCED them accept my offer of a free cake of ANY design for any occasion transferable to whoever they want with free delivery to make up for the truck. They said it was “amazing” but c’mon…we allllll knew it was not even kinda sorta my best work. I almost didn’t put it on there but HAD to since it was their COMPANY XMAS PARTY!! (still hanging my head and waiting for them to cash in on my Redemption Cake – which will be INFREAKINGCREDIBLE, I might add!!!).

Jen at