re: Facebook is changing the rules for pages.

I agree with you all about CD being a wonderful environment. And I actually find it much easier to gush over my cake crushes and feel supported in my own cake journey.

I disagree with FB being a huge source of customers for most. I find the higher a pages numbers from abroad, the less they are actually reaching their target audience which is their local towns.

I am fully convinced that some participation on google+ with a business page that lists your contact details and a map is going to put you in touch with far more customers.

What’s the world’s largest search engine? Google right?!

So why wouldn’t you want to be listed on it as a business or a blogger?

Linking your google+ business page to your website or blog to get you found.

Once this is done you can link in with your own local directories for example in Australia we have

I used to spend far too much time on Facebook, then I realised that empty likes mean little and that I would be far better to invest my time on my actual cake decorating journey not fakebook.

(Although I admit this is an emerging process and I still log on to fb daily – but I see that changing once these new fb business changes are put into place)

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia or or