re: Facebook limiting reach?

S4S posts actually destroy your page reach in the long run – the higher amount of fans a page has versus the less amount of people clicking on the links results in death of your engagement.

S4S may look enticing for your ego, but in the long run it’s empty likes that don’t produce business results.

Facebook has always been a personal platform it’s not like instagram, twitter, g+ that is more focused on random – Facebook is about engagement. Having 5 local people liking your cakes for sale is a lot better for actual business than 500 people from overseas who would never order from you.

I think people get too caught up on numbers in excess of their actual target audience and then destroy their reach. The more non genuine followers the less engaged your posts will become, the less orders you will receive, and the less you will be seen in a ginormous world wide news feed.

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia or or