re: First time in 35 years....

Thank you so much everyone! I just got home from another long day at work and read all of your replies. I’m moved to tears by all your caring words. The pain is about 40% better today. I have a girlfriend that has some “good” medications that I took last night and will take again tonight. The only thing I have to really do in the next couple days is some bookwork and file my sales taxes on Monday, then I don’t really have any cakes that I need to do until Friday.
I also own an engraving studio (for the past 10 years) that is in the same building as the bakery and connected by a door. It’s been weighing me down a lot and I’ve been trying to sell it. I put the engraving machine on Ebay and it sold today. I’m just hoping the people follow through with the purchase as they only have 1 feedback. Fingers crossed. The engraving studio is 1000 square feet and I’m going to turn it into a cake studio and move all the decorating equipment to that side. I’m so excited to get that all set up! Hugs to you all for the kind and encouraging words!
