Hi my name is Rita, I'm a 38 yr. old stay at home mother of 5. I have 4 boys & 1 girl. .
I love decorating cakes. I learned how to decorate cakes on my own.


Wow, busy lady, 5 children. Where do you find time to do your cakes? Welcome to cakesdecor. Love your cakes! :-)

Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786

Lol… the oldest is 19 yrs old. The boys are 13, 7 & 5 yrs…so im alone most of the day, I have only my 14 month old girl..so I bake during the day and after all the kids are sleeping I decorate… or sometimes the two older boy help me with the little ones :) but I love doing cakes


I think we all love doing cakes here. Your food bill must be enormous, I have 3 boys, all young adults and 1 girl. The boys eat everything in site can’t keep up with them. I think I need to own a supermarket! :-)

Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786

Wow!!! it’s very expensive feeding boys…on a weekend’s breakfast, I would make a dozen eggs only for the boys plus what their having on the side… I just thank God for blessing my family.. and for blessing my husband with a good job …
