Hi friends!!! how are you? I hope you are great and healthy.
This time friends I am sharing with you my recipe for stopping a grainy texture and excessive sweet flavor of the regular buttercream.
I hope is useful.
Love you and many hugs!
Your friend…Katherina
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By Katherina Perez
Fabulosa receta Katherina! Muchas gracias por compartir 😘
It looks really creamy and smooth. Can you pipe with it? Thanks for sharing, Katherina!
Sugar Sugar by SSmiley
Thanks so much Katherina!!! Fantastic recipe!!!👍👏👏😍😍😍
Thank hou Katherina!
https://www.facebook.com/Topyc-Art-Design-838220506566468/ Felis
Thank you for sharing your tips, hun. Love this! Tvb!
Thank you so much dear friends! Claudia, Lalla, Clarits, Felis and Sandrita.
Sandra this buttercream is special for piping too!
By Katherina Perez
Thanks, sweet daughter! It looked to soft and fluffy for piping. Great to know!
Sugar Sugar by SSmiley
Love you mom!
By Katherina Perez
Wow!!! Awesome!!! <3
Thanks for sharing, dear Katherina!!! :*