Easter Basket Cookies with Dimensional Chicks Using a Helmet Cookie Cutter

I love being able to find other decorating uses for a cookie cutter. The Easter baskets above were original a helmet shaped cookie. By using several decorating techniques and adding royal icing bows the helmet shaped cookies miraculously become Easter Cookies with dimensional baby chicks.

Bobbie Bakes


They are so cute! How clever of you to find different uses for your cookie cutters! Thank you for the tutorial!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Fantastic!! Thanks so much!💕


Thank you, Toni! 🐣

Bobbie Bakes

Thank you, Ivana! 🐣

Bobbie Bakes

Thank you, Whisperingmoonlight! 🐣

Bobbie Bakes

Thank you, Evelin! 🐣

Bobbie Bakes

Thank you so much
Iam a fan of all your creations

Thank you, Friesty! 🐰🐣

Bobbie Bakes