Sure! I love how light and fluffy the cupcakes bake up – just right for soaking in all that syrup ;)

Becky, North Carolina, http://www.cakesbybecky.blogspot.com

Sounds delicious! Will definitely try these if I can find vanilla bean paste. :)

Tiff - MA www.facebook.com/sweetbeecakery

Oh, SweetBee – if you’re not able to find vanilla bean paste, you can simply use one vanilla bean (split and scraped) instead! :)

Becky, North Carolina, http://www.cakesbybecky.blogspot.com

Can’t wait to try these! I love trying new cupcake recipes and I love tiramisu . In fact I got mascarpone just sitting in my fridge waiting to be used.

Jessica, Kodiak Alaska http://www.facebook.com/ConceptualConfections

these are delicious! i’ve made them before…thanks for reminding me to make them again…very soon!

'Meg'nificent Cakes

Sure thing! Always glad to be of service in tempting someone’s sweet tooth! ;)

Becky, North Carolina, http://www.cakesbybecky.blogspot.com