re: What's in a name?

I was personally outraged by the article and I wrote to both cakes decor and Michal and my messages were not read, so I am posting them here in this thread. Thank you Nina for this, common sense and common decency prevails!

Hi, I wanted to message you in reference to the article that was written by Sharon for the Gazette. I actually just responded under the post with a lengthy and toned down reply, but I felt it necessary to also message you directly. I am, in truth, appalled by the insensitive article that Sharon wrote. It is a slap in the face to cake decorators who have both used, promoted and supported Cakes Decor. I am one of those decorators, a so called “Faker”. I have supplied tutorials (using both real and fake cake). I have liked, shared, supported and followed the work of many decorators on your site and to be told, through this insensitive article that “you are not a caker” because I have worked with foam is an outrage. Let me tell you, I am a cake Decorator, cake decoration and this industry and it’s community are my absolute passion. I didn’t know that there were certain conditions under which people were considered to be cake decorators ….I assumed if you love cake decorating then you’re a cake decorator. This is supposed to be a decorating community filled with support, advice and encouragement. The job of Cakes Decor is to unite cake decorators through a common passion, not to cast judgement on who is an who isn’t worthy of membership. Garbage like this only seeks to build walls and ostracize members of our community through the judgement of their skill (but only with REAL CAKE) and the medium in which they work. By publishing this piece you, cakes decor, SUPPORTS the views of the editor and casts a supreme judgment on who is and who is not a cake decorator, and, likely in doing so, insulted half of your contributors. Wow to this…“Editorial is written by the Editor – Sharon and do not necessarily reflect the views of CakesDecor.”…My apologies but isn’t the Gazette sent out to all those who subscribe to Cakes Decor? It is not sent to all who subscribe to Sharon!! Getting this in my e-mail inbox, from Cakes Decor, says to me and anyone else, these are our opinions. Having a personal opinion, a stance is perfectly fine, it crosses the line when a public platform is used to push a very personal and meanly written agenda. I will promise this, never again will I use your site as a means to connect with fellow cake artists, never again will I use your site to offer my years of advice and support to fellow cake decorators. It is incredulous that on one hand, you are interviewing artists, celebrating and showcasing their work, taking advantage of their generous nature, tutorials and advice which supports this website and brings in new users, whilst on the other hand calling those same cake decorators “FAKERS”. This is a shameful article, written with one purpose, to inflame and divide our community and to single out individuals. Is it possible that all those “complaining and spitting out their dummies” as we have been accused are wrong, or is it possible that your Editor, screwed up! Are we all wrong or did an individual cross the line for which they must be now held accountable!!!
