Orchard Cake

Orchard Cake
Orchard Cake Orchard Cake Orchard Cake Orchard Cake

I made this cake March 28, 2011 for my son-in-law’s birthday. His hobby is taking care of the orchard he planted with apple, pear, peach, & plum trees. The top of the apple tree, and the apple basket were made from rice krispies treats.

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes


Toni, I love all your work! I just looked through all your pictures~ fabulous!

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)

Thank you Nancy! I love your work as well! Wish I could do buttercream creations like you!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

LOL~ Too bad we are not close.. we would swap idea’s~ :)

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)