Motorised Esky full mud Cake

Motorised Esky full mud Cake
Motorised Esky full mud Cake Motorised Esky full mud Cake Motorised Esky full mud Cake
First attempt at using modelling chocolate!!!! I truly loved giving this carved mud cake a go…. It was made for a dear friend who absolutely has the best sense of humour so I knew he wouldn’t mind if I didn’t get his features perfect, it had been a hectic week at work so I’d absolutely pushed the boundaries as usual to get this finished on my days off and it went to the wire as my husband hurried me along, his fondant Freo dockers scarf was added just before a few quick snap shots in the hope I’d get more at the party ( excuse my sheer panicked mess in background behind !!!!) but as the cake was still very fresh and things had not set hard it proved to be a long bumpy car ride !!!! Never mind he was very salvageable and apart from looking a little more laid back than he should everyone loved him… but most of all the man of the moment was so happy, dear Geoff or Wal as he’s affectionately know ( check out the number plate ).
