This is the story of arya, a 2 year old girl, who dreamed of exploring the farm on a quad bike. She wanted to find out everything; dodge the snails, collect the eggs without scaring the chickens and even race with the little fox which prowls a little too close to the henhouse… arya is a true adventurer.
This theme made me spend a few sleepless nights I admit. The mother’s only instruction was: quad cake for arya 2 years old. Basically get by so I embroidered a little story ♥♥️ ♥
Cake: chocolate sponge cake, chocolate cream and chocolate chips, vanilla cream, milk chocolate feuillantine glitter.
Entirely drawn and paint in hand, quad modeling and sugar paste decorations.
Blendys cakes
Love it !
Adorable …. and the story, too!
The Garden Baker
so lovely and cute
So awesome 💖😊😍love the painting and the figures💖💖
Dubey Cakes
Many thanks girls ♥️♥️♥️
Blendys cakes
So cute! 🥰
Michaela Kmecová