Quad bike ride

Quad bike ride
Quad bike ride Quad bike ride Quad bike ride Quad bike ride

This is the story of arya, a 2 year old girl, who dreamed of exploring the farm on a quad bike. She wanted to find out everything; dodge the snails, collect the eggs without scaring the chickens and even race with the little fox which prowls a little too close to the henhouse… arya is a true adventurer.

This theme made me spend a few sleepless nights I admit. The mother’s only instruction was: quad cake for arya 2 years old. Basically get by so I embroidered a little story ♥♥️ ♥

Cake: chocolate sponge cake, chocolate cream and chocolate chips, vanilla cream, milk chocolate feuillantine glitter.

Entirely drawn and paint in hand, quad modeling and sugar paste decorations.

Blendys cakes


Adorable …. and the story, too!

The Garden Baker

So awesome 💖😊😍love the painting and the figures💖💖

Dubey Cakes

Many thanks girls ♥️♥️♥️

Blendys cakes

So cute! 🥰

Michaela Kmecová