Cracked Glaze Blooming Rose for The Notorious RBG Cookie Art

Cracked Glaze Blooming Rose for The Notorious RBG Cookie Art
Cracked Glaze Blooming Rose for The Notorious RBG Cookie Art

This course is dedicated to to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who past Friday the 18th September a little after 5:00 MST.
Both roses and RBG appeared fragile and dainty, both are mighty and fierce!
“Pink rose can convey gratitude, appreciation, recognition and is a great way to say “thank you,” while a light or pale pink rose conveys grace, gentleness, joy and happiness.**____

**Ironically I was photographing Blooming Rose, and happened to look up at the television to read (the words scrolling across the screen), Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had past

Bobbie Bakes